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Thoughts & Inspiration

Day 7. It’s been a full week. Not just full in the days but full in the hours. Full in a changing lifestyle. Full in worship. Full in teaching. Full in getting to know a new family. Full in the Spirit. Full in getting to know the Lord. Full in fun. Full in growth. Full in enjoying things I never thought I’d enjoy. 

Actually, let’s stay on that real quick. I don’t think I ever thought that a bucket shower would be enjoyable. An adventure, yes, but when you aren’t allowed to shower for 4 days, a bucket shower is pure refresh. A delight if you will!! 

Sleeping in a tent has become enjoyable as well. I’ve realized that the night hours in my tent are the moments I get alone. Through full days come full tiredness, and full tiredness, full rest. So it doesn’t matter where or under what weather you sleep, but with a sleeping pad and a rain cover, a tent is a delight.

I’ve noticed that the things that seem like a downgrade in lifestyle can be enjoyable. It’s all a matter of perspective. The the rain can be drowning, but I’m thankful for people to mudslide with. Eating curry with your hands could be discussing, but it is a laughable adventure. I am going to be honest though. I tried to thank God for the mud this morning, but I didn’t know why I might be thankful.

Something the Lord has taught me this week is that starting the morning with thankfulness resets. When things have gotten confusing this week, it is so reassuring that we can rest in Jesus still. Thanking Him for even the small things helps us keep our heads up, starts the day right, and gives the glory to God. What a reassurance it is to be able to praise God even in the newness of this life. This life is stretching. I’ve seen God move in ways that I didn’t think it was normal for God to move. I thought I might never be able to experience God’s power like I have this week. It is a beautiful reminder to how He is God of Gods and Lord of Lords, yet He cares for us, each individually, and together as the body of Christ.

In this stretch comes growth. It is the beginning of recognizing the difficult things of my past and allowing the Lord to grow me through it. It pushes reliance on God as my one and only savior. This week it has been important to rely on Him to give me words when I don’t know how to explain what I’m feeling, in prayer, and in encouraging others.

Yesterday I was presented with what could seem like a daunting task with 2 other squad mates: leading squad church. We quickly realized that there are no expectations of what it should look like, and that is the best place to be! In spending time with the Lord I asked Him what He wanted for us to do in Church that would be the most glorifying to Him. Acts 4:32-35 explains that the early believers shared everything so that no one was needy. This was true in both possessions and testifying to what they had witnessed. What every one of us witnesses in a different way is “the resurrection of the Lord Jesus”. The apostles were to testify, so we must also. Our testimonies are powerful, so instead of a message, 2 squad mates boldly shared their testimonies. After, we were all able to share with each other different ways God has moved in our lives. As verse 32 says, believers are “one in heart and mind”, so sharing what the Lord has done, even in just the day to day, points to the resurrection and builds unity. I am thankful for the opportunity to have shared my heart and the power in sharing testimonies with the squad. I am thankful for the experience of putting church together with 2 other squad mates. Even as I think about it now, I’m realizing just how cool it is that each of us played a different role this morning through what the Lord has gifted us with. That is the body of Christ working for His Kingdom.
This is just the beginning of living a bold life for Jesus. There is more to come. Reminder: it is day 7.