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Have you ever come home at the end of the day thinking, “What was my purpose in this day?” Even though I’m on the mission field and actively serving the Lord and His people, there are days that I also think this. You see, being a missionary does not mean that I have huge testimonies of how the Lord moved every single day. Some days feel like we are following a schedule and hoping that God moves. Here is what a typical Friday looks like for my team:

6am- wake up and spend time with Jesus
7am- breakfast
8:30am-walk to bus and hop on
9am- arrive at ministry and pray
10am- snack and clean the ministry space or do a house visit
12pm- lunch and rest
2- 4:30pm- pull weeds, water plants, sweep
4:30- leave for base
6:30pm- team time
8pm- one on one with one of the girls from my team

Even though it is a pretty orderly schedule, we still have an opportunity to look for where God is moving. When we partner with ministries, they often remind us how great of a help we have been to them even if it does not feel like it. I am reminded constantly that God can move even in the mundane, and that just because I don’t feel like He is using us does not mean it is true. I have the blessing of coming alongside ministries overseas to help them even in the background. Sometimes it is more blessed to be the hands and feet of Jesus to what these ministries really need instead of the voice of Him. The encouraging thing is that we get to find ways to be both.

This is part of how the Lord has been personally working on me through this year. It can be my fleshly thought that I have to always be doing something valuable in order to earn what the Lord wants to give me. That is not the point of grace. In fact, that is the exact opposite of what grace says. Grace is receiving from the Lord even when we do not deserve it. So the Lord has been pouring out His love on me that I may work with peace, knowing the value that He has given me is regardless of what I do. I have found that when I rest assured in the grace and love of God, the mundane days become way more exciting. It gives me the freedom to listen to the Holy Spirit even if I’m given a schedule or not.

These are also the days that I get to pull away to have an outside perspective. In just living in it, I could be prone to coasting through, but in zooming out I can see all the blessings Jesus has lavished on me in order for me to be here. What a blessing that He has built me up spiritually to pour out. Even if the daily life becomes normal, I see that the life I am leading is not typical.

Ephesians 1:3 “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.”

This is a promise that the Lord has been revealing in my life. I pray that today you can see every spiritual blessing the Lord is graciously lavishing you.

With all my love,