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What is it like to be fully present in any environment when each environment we are thrown into is completely different from the last?

The differences between Guatemala and Romania have struck me.

Guatemala is more obviously warm and welcoming, whereas Romanians seem closed off but really do want a relationship. Guatemalan culture is centered around the family, whereas Romanian culture is more individualistic with family environments both positively and negatively influencing spiritual beliefs.  It takes a packed bus to get places in Guatemala, whereas everything is a simple walk away in Romania. To evangelize in Guatemala means house visits and just being curious in the family, whereas evangelism in Romania means hitting the streets and being direct with the gospel, then furthering relationships over coffee. 

For me, Guatemala was all about growth. It almost warmed my heart more to play with the children every afternoon than it did theirs. Walking the streets, I often times came across people who shared their stories with me and were more encouraging to me than I to them. I got to learn to be curious in every part of people’s lives. I got to learn how to intercede for people and areas. I learned that even when I do not feel like I’m being helpful in the kingdom of God, the Lord can use any interaction anywhere, so be intentional in all things. 

Perhaps Guatemala was a time that I was there for the people, but God had me there so that He could pour into me. The Lord brought up things in me so that I could heal from the past and move forward with a full heart. He began teaching me how to receive love and how to care for others without taking on the pressure. All of this resulted from God claiming my identity as His bride and daughter. 

Now, I get to practice everything I learned from Guatemala in a new place. There is a spiritual pressure here in Romania that I have learned to fight in Spirit and in truth. Leaning into the fight seems risky, but because I am a child of God I get to not take on the heaviness, apathy, depression that Romania is susceptible to and instead my portion is the Lord and the things of Him. 

It has been difficult adapting to the new way of evangelism, but I have learned that boldness is a choice. The youth are desperate for Christ without even realizing that they are. Even though I may not love evangelism, I have learned that it plays an important role in bringing people into the Kingdom. As the squad and I are partnered with Hope Church, it has been so sweet in recognizing the variety of gifting that the Lord places in each of us to further His kingdom. I, personally, have a heart for the health of the Church, so building relationships to encourage others has been so much fun here. 

I’ve grown to learn that it is not until we are in the experience that we can fully grasp the depths of each situation. I find myself asking, how can I be prepared without actually being prepared at all? as I ponder what’s to come in Eswatini and after the race. As I live in full submission to Jesus, I feel as if that is the best place to be. I trust in His provision for each season. 

I’m just here, living as the Lord gives instruction.

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp for my feet,
    a light on my path.

2 responses to “Life Under The Lampshade”

  1. Sadie, thanks for posting! thanks for being so transparent about your personal growth.
    I love you!

  2. Thank you for the update. I love to read about all you are learning and experiencing. Praying for you now❤️